Monday, April 28, 2008

Recent advancments

OK, not allot of new news to report...I sent Dirk my Project Proposal draft to read over, but as yet have had no reply...I have taken the Student Directed Inquiry as a second offline course too, so I plan to up the work allot. It will help to have that extra flexible time to work with...I STILL haven't managed an interaction with Chris; he remains ever allusive! But I am becoming very keen on the idea of animation and I think it may become my major project.
I had the pleasure of seeing the Glass Biscuit mob do their presentation on last Thursday. It was very impressive, I think it has encouraged me to start working a bit harder; they have accomplished so much, if it only be in planning. I have previously tried to comment on their website but it wouldn't let me, despite me being registered with Wiki. And still no success adding other Blogger's to my list, it always comes up with an error.
I'm not entirely sure what the deal is with doing both Digital Projects and Interactive Media in regards to work quantity; do I have to spend double the time on Moodle? etc...

That is all for now. I shall report again after I have attempted to track down Chris after recess...


Roger Stack said...

Good to hear you have been inspired!

Doing both doesn't mean more moodle time but should mean more twitter and journal entries - and faster progress.

Check with Glassbiscuit re registering...

What sort of animation are you looking at?

Roger Stack said...

PS I'd like to see your new project submission as well...